Do you have a senior loved one who is living alone? If so, they may not be upfront about their challenges or struggles related to living alone. They may not want you to worry about their health issues or be worried they will be forced to move from their home.

The good news is that you can provide help for your senior loved one without any of these issues – this is where in-home care comes in.

However, it’s up to you to know the signs that your senior loved one needs in-home care services. Keep reading to find out what these are.

Changes in Personality and Appearance

A change in your loved one’s behavior or appearance is a sign that they need additional help at home. Any changes in their diet, hygiene, clothing, or even weight loss or gain can indicate your loved one is having a shift in their mental or physical well-being. It may also indicate their functional abilities have begun to decline.

Depression and loneliness, along with other personality changes, such as isolation, disconnection, and a loss of interest in activities and hobbies, indicate that in-home care may be needed.

Inability to Perform Normal, Daily Tasks

If your senior loved one cannot perform day-to-day tasks independently, they need help. Some seniors experience confusion or uncertainty when doing tasks they were familiar with in the past. Personal needs like housekeeping, grooming, bathing, and preparing meals can be handled with in-home care services, and your loved ones can receive the assistance they need.

Memory Issues

Forgetfulness and similar actions related to memory loss are a sign of needing additional assistance. If your loved one isn’t keeping up with their bills or mail, if they are confused often, forget to take their medicine, or miss important appointments, these are all signs that your loved one needs additional help at home.

Messy Home

Another sign your loved one may need to receive help at home is if their home is messier than usual. Mold in the bathroom, dirty dishes, trash around the house, and just a dirty home are all signs that in-home care may be beneficial. Your loved one needs to have a clean home for health and safety reasons. In-home care providers can help with this.

Empty Pantry and Refrigerator

Some seniors don’t eat much, but they should still have plenty of food in their pantry and refrigerator. If you notice your loved one’s pantry or refrigerator is bare because they don’t go grocery shopping. In some cases, it may be a sign that memory loss has affected their day-to-day actions. Hiring an in-home care provider will help ensure your senior loved one has access to food and that they are eating regularly.

Hiring a Quality In-Home Care Provider

If you notice any of the issues above, be sure to look into in-home care providers. This can improve your loved one’s quality of life and give you peace of mind they are taken care of each day.