Senior care services can range from daily personal care and assistance with household chores to safe transportation, fall prevention, and medical assessments. Services are personalized to the unique needs of every customer. While one person may need assistance with grooming and light housekeeping, another may just need someone to check the mail and bring groceries because they’re homebound.

You know that these services are helpful and perhaps comforting for some senior citizens, but is that enough to justify the financial investment? We have seen the positive impact that senior care services have on our customers, and we believe that these services are important for a few good reasons.

In-Home Senior Care Services Help Combat Loneliness

Seniors often spend most of their time at home, and many spend much of that time alone. Adult children and other family members are busy with children, jobs, and other responsibilities, and they don’t always spend quality time with elderly family members. The result is a high rate of loneliness in the elderly population, which leaves them vulnerable to mental and physical health problems.

The only way to combat loneliness is to ensure older adults spend quality time with friends and relatives. When there is no full-time caregiver available within the family or social network, senior care services are a great substitute. They ensure some level of social interaction on a routine basis for your loved one.

You know that a smiling face will arrive to lift your loved one’s spirits. These visits—even if brief—can give your loved one a sense of human connection. They will know that someone cares about them, checks up on them, and wants to help them.

Reduced Risk of Falls & Other Accidents

Recognizing the need for help with certain tasks is critical to the long-term safety of the elderly. If your mother is struggling to push the sweeper or walk to the end of the driveway to check the mail, then they’re at risk of falling or otherwise injuring themselves. The same goes for someone who can no longer safely bathe themselves, drive a vehicle to the store, or remember simple things like doctor’s appointments.

Providing personal care services is a great way to protect older adults from falls and other injuries that are preventable. The first step is recognizing the need for help on a daily or even just monthly basis.

Home Care Brings Peace of Mind

When you can’t be with your loved one personally, it helps to know that someone is checking up on them at least occasionally. Personal care providers are experienced with the level of care that they’re contracted to provide. You know that they will get your loved one medical help if needed and recommend other levels of care that may improve your loved one’s physical and emotional wellbeing.

Seniors often feel a little less lonely when they have access to senior care services. You may also experience less tension, anxiety, and worry when even occasional help around the house is provided.

Your own mental health is just as important as that of your loved one. Personal care services can help.